is a performance lecture to address our superficial engagement, our resignation and our indifference in the fashionable pessimism currently poisoning the collective mindstream.
Theatre is a form of love and togetherness which has the power to heal, to bind, to cure. This is an attempt to awaken our imagination and strength our capacity to shape new forms of affective solidarity and shared regard which could counterweights the exclusions and disregard in a careless society.
What are the ethics and aesthetics of attention we need to challenge the discourses of hatred, victimhood and pity?
How to shape a new alphabet (vocabulary) against the binary narratives of cultural policies?
What kind of communication strategies useful in strengthening the roles of culture, arts and theatre as soft power without reducing “otherness” to simple labels or slogans?
Which tools needed to end up with toxic hospitalities?
How to settle a peer-to-peer relations to overcome cultural differences and how to ensure an effective communication co-created across cultures rather than a central designed and broadcasted message across cultural boundaries?
How can we stop begging policies in theatre conditions? How can we shift from a culture of assistance to a culture of empowerment? How to create sustainable solution instead of short-term cultural policies?
Save your money, give your heart for a real Zusammenkeit experiment!